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Still waiting for Lifechange? LogX Airdrop

Join LogX Airdrop!
Join LogX Airdrop!

12% of total supply has been reserved for the community airdrop!

Look at seed round investors
Look at seed round investors

, an under-the-radar decentralized derivatives exchange, doesn't get as much attention in the crowded dApp landscape. There are several reasons for this, from the overwhelming amount of information about similar platforms to the challenges in finding details about the funds they attract.

Similar to its competitors, LogX employs a points system. However, fewer users are currently utilizing the platform compared to its counterparts. This is reflected in the Total Value Locked (TVL) metric (only 15m$).

In this article, we'll explore strategies for earning points on LogX, setting the stage for potential rewards in future airdrops.

Let's dive into ways users can accumulate points on the platform, laying the groundwork for potential rewards down the line.

Activity Guide:

Points are granted distinctly for various activities. Trading Points (PTS) are accumulated through trading volume, whereas Liquidity Gems (GEMS) are obtained by providing liquidity.

Go to the website and link your wallet on the preferred network. Head to the Trade section, configure the trading terminal, and verify the initiation of a position:

100% Fees Rebate on Mantle Network till 2nd March
100% Fees Rebate on Mantle Network till 2nd March

Also, in the Earn section, you have the opportunity to supply liquidity to the protocol and earn Liquidity GEMS. To accomplish this, you'll initially need to buy LLP tokens and then stake them

22% APR on your stake position
22% APR on your stake position

The team openly acknowledges that points will play a crucial role in future airdrop distributions.

Additionally, active participation in the project's campaigns allows users to receive NFTs, as outlined in their statement, which will also be considered.

By participating in this company you can also earn eirdrop points in blockchains such as MODE, LINEA, KROMA etc.

In Conclusion:
I won't skip this because the project has few participants (which can be seen by TVL 15m$). LogX competitors (like Drift) have many times more TVL and also they have less investments. Possibly lifechange. 
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